Friday, July 3, 2020

Professional Resume Writing 101-25

Professional Resume Writing 101-25 Professional Resume Writing Email Address Your resume containsa wealth of informationthat will be usedto present yourself asthe best candidatefor the job in the eyesof the hiring professional. It can also contain information that you may not realize could create a negative impressionto a prospective employer. The heading on your resume displays critical information consisting of your contact name, address, phone numbers, LinkedIn address and email address. Hear are three reasons whya professional hiring manager may choose not toperuse yourresume beyond your email address. It is obvious that the email address you have noted is not your own,maybe your wifes or your boyfriends? Are you so far behind in the technological world that you stilldont have your own email address? Or are you just too lazy toget one? Youare using yourcurrent work email address.Do you understand that it is not a secure or private address?Willa prospective employer be impressed to think youare job-hunting on company time?,,! Your friends may laugh but you can be assured that you havelost the opportunity to impress a potential employer. In addition to providing a professionalemail address, it is obviously important to include a phone number you can be reached at. Although itmaysurprise you to know that a very high percentage of resumes are submitted with anincorrect phone number!Neglecting this attention to detailcould verylikelytake you out of the running. Typos will also reduce your chances tocreate a good impression. The general consensus among recruiters is an unwillingness to make allowances for mistakes of any kind. So be sure you put the effort in to ensuringyourresumeis professional and accurate. Take the time to obtain a freecritique of your resume orinvest in the services of a Certified Professional Resume Writer.But before youcontact anyone, be sure youestablish a professional email address!

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